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4 Stages of Ash Die Back

Writer's picture: Neil FooteNeil Foote

Identifying the symptoms of Ash Dieback in large trees can be difficult, so a system was needed to enable easy description of the current state of as Ash Tree.

Tree Canopy assessment has been widely used since the late 1980’s across Europe based on work produced in Switzerland in 1986. In 1990 the Forestry Commission produced a book – ‘Assessment of Tree Condition’ to enable a standard system for describing the condition of a tree based on the percentage of existing canopy remaining. Using this methodology Suffolk County Council undertook to describe the health of an Ash in Suffolk.

The steps undertaken During the summer of 2013/14 Suffolk County Council assessed and photographed Ash across the county. They determined that there were 4 useful categories to describe Ash canopies. The categories chosen were

• 100% full canopy

• 75% canopy

• 50% canopy

• and 25% canopy.

These 4 classes fit with work undertaken in Germany by Professor Andreas Roloff who has been describing the state of vitality of European Trees. He also uses 4 categories – described as;

• Vitality Class 0: Healthy vigorous trees showing treetop shoots in the exploration phase: both the main axes and part of the lateral twigs consist of long-shoots. For this reason, a regular net-like branching pattern is developed, which reaches deep into the interior of the crown. The crowns are equally closed and domed, and do not show any greater gap unless a stronger intervention has occurred, such as pruning measures, because such a gap is closed quickly by the intensive ramification. In summer, a dense foliage arises without any greater gap.

• Vitality Class 1: Weakened trees show treetop shoots in the degeneration phase. Thus, spears/“fox tails” are formed, rising above the canopy. The leaves on these spears are dense and grow all around them (at the top of the lateral short-shoots or shortshoot chains). The crowns make a frazzled impression on the outside, and have a fastigiated appearance, because the airspace between the spears is not completely filled by leaves and twigs, and the crown has a spiky outline. Inside the crown, the branching pattern, and hence the foliage, is quite dense. In this vitality class, straight percurrent main axes of the treetop branches are still dominant, but the crowns no longer look as intact as in class 0 because of the spears shooting out of the canopy.

• Vitality Class 2: In obviously less vigorous trees, the treetop shoots begin to build shortshoots in the stagnation phase. The leafless state could be designated as the claw stage, because the short-shoot chains in the outside of the crowns grow longer, are predominant, and stretch claw-like to the light. These short-shoot chains, growing too long, break off in summer in thunderstorms and heavy rains, and strew the forest floor in declining stands. Under normal circumstances, trees get rid of parts of their unimportant twigs in the inner and lower crown parts in this way. However, if the treetop shoots themselves are declining, the self-pruning of twigs progresses into the outskirts of the crown, and the crowns become thin from the inside outwards. The cause for this occurrence is not premature leaf fall, but broken short-shoot chains, a lack of shoots, and dead buds and twigs. The branching pattern shows a bushy and lumpy accumulation in the periphery of the crown. This accumulation causes summer and winter bushy crown structures and greater gaps. The crown periphery still has hardly any straight percurrent branches.

• Vitality class 3:, In considerably damaged or declining trees of the crowns finally fall apart by the breaking off of larger branches and the dieback of whole crown parts. The tree seems to consist only of more or less surplus sub-crowns, dispersed randomly in the airspace and forming whip-like structures. The treetop is often dying back or is already dead, because the treetop shoots grew in the retraction phase. These 4 vitality classes are shown below for Ash. The work in Germany and Suffolk complements each other and establishes the ability to be able to assisgn an ash tree to 1 of 4 categories, which describe the trees current health or vitality. This is a simple and useful method for describing the current state of an Ash’s heatlh. The Outcome Using this 4 category framework, allows a tree to be assigned to a category, showing its current state of health, enabling data on the tree to be collected.

The suggestion going forward is that these 4 classes are used as described as:

Ash Health Class 1 – 100 – 75% Canopy (Vitality Class 0)

Ash Health Class 2 – 75% -50% Canopy (Vitality Class 1)

Ash Health Class 3 – 50% - 25% Canopy (Vitality Class 2)

Ash Health Class 4 – 25% - 0% Canopy (Vitality Class 3)

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